joi, 30 septembrie 2010

Seriale online

Daca aveti chef sa vedeti vreun serial TV (House, Fringe, Grey, Good Wife,etc - sunt vreo 80) nu mai trebuie sa il cautati pe torente. Puteti incerca varianta online la Totul e gratuit, va creati un cont (dureaza 2 minute). Calitatea e acceptabila si puteti gasi toate sezoanele serialului dorit. Aveti si subtitrari.


PS: Atentie! Se pare ca functioneaza doar cu Internet Explorer, nu si cu Firefox

miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

Hai la film!

Wall Street: Money never sleeps

vineri, 24 septembrie 2010

Aeternitas Mega 4 by Franck Muller

- poate arata ora exacta in trei zone diferite ale globului
- calendar pe 999 de ani.

Imaginea este preluata din BM


Poza preluata din BM

MS Office 2010

Il puteti incerca gratuit (cel putin pana la 31 Octombrie) aici

joi, 23 septembrie 2010

marți, 21 septembrie 2010

USB 3.0

Kingston a lansat primul sau flash drive USB 3.0, Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0. Viteza de transfer a datelor este de pana la 10 ori mai mare in comparaţie cu USB 2.0.

luni, 20 septembrie 2010

vineri, 17 septembrie 2010


Mai mereu sunt critic si nemultumit, dar azi am doar cuvinte de lauda pt RCS-RDS/Digi. Dupa indelungi lupte si avand doar un pic de speranta pe fund(ul borcanului) am gasit ieri un decodor digital in caseriile lor. Pana acum nimic special, dar faptul ca la orele 23 functioneaza serviciul Relatii clienti si ca am fost surprins de bunavointa, amabilitatea, profesionalismul si eficeinta celor ce lucreaza acolo nu e un aspect minor. BRAVO RCS!

joi, 16 septembrie 2010

luni, 13 septembrie 2010

Pe cine mai arestam azi?

As vrea sa fiu intles corect inca din titlul postarii: Nu ma agita arestarea lui Vantu. Din punctul meu de vedere ar fi trebuit sa manace marmelada la scurt timp dupa prabusirea FNI. Ce se intampla acum e doar orgoliul lui Base care vrea sa arate cum sa iti alegi candidatul in timpul unei campanii electorale. Dincolo de simulacrul dezbaterii mediatice (includ aici atat subiectul si prezentarea, cat si invitatii care si-au dat cu parerea) vreau sa subliniez penibilul absolut in relatarea incidentelor din timpul arestarii lui SOV. Absurdul a fost atins prin prezentarea la ore de maxima audienta a certificatului medico-legal si radiografiilor unui catel "orb si inofensiv" - victima colaterala a descinderii organelor (de ordine). In aceaste conditii si dupa cateva episoade similare cred ca putem renunta fara regrete la sintagma atat de vehiculata "libertatea de exprimare a presei"!

duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

vineri, 10 septembrie 2010


CANCER RESEARCH UK scientists have uncovered a new strategy that could be used by cancer cells to side step the body’s normal safety checks and become immortal – a key step for a cancer cell – according to a study published in Nature today (Thursday)*.

The strategy involves cells topping up their biological clock by making copies of spare DNA found elsewhere in the genome to replace the protective caps – called telomeres – usually found at the ends of chromosomes.

In most cells of the body, telomeres shorten each time the cell divides. Once a critical length is reached, it triggers the cell to die - acting like an inbuilt timer to ensure that the cell can’t live past its pre-programmed expiry date.

But in around 85 per cent of cases, cancer cells manage to get around this safety check by reactivating telomerase – an enzyme that can rebuild the telomeres by creating new DNA repeats.

This study in yeast cells highlights one possible way that the remaining 10-15 per cent of cancer cells lacking telomerase could get around the problem of their biological clocks running out.

The discovery adds to our understanding of how cancer cells could become immortal, and may unlock new avenues of research for the development of cancer treatments.

Lead author Dr Julie Cooper, based at Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute, said: “Our research reveals an alternative means by which yeast cells can protect their chromosome ends.

“Until now fruit flies were the only living things known to be able to survive and maintain linear chromosomes without ‘classical’ telomeres. But discovering a similar system in yeast, which are very far from fruit flies on the evolutionary scale, suggests it could be much more universal than previously thought and could even play a role in some human cancers.”

“Research to find out whether human cells can also use this alternative system to protect their chromosomes and what role, if any, it could play in tumour growth, could reveal interesting new avenues for interrupting the ‘immortalisation’ that cancer cells undergo.”

To make their discovery, the researchers deleted the gene that codes for telomerase in yeast cells. Usually this would cause the telomeres to be lost and the exposed chromosome ends to fuse together, making circular chromosomes. But in a small number of yeast cells the chromosomes didn’t fuse, suggesting that these rare survivors had found another strategy for protecting their chromosome ends.

When the researchers studied these more closely they found that, to make up for their lack of telomeres, the surviving cells had hijacked spare DNA sequences from elsewhere in the genome. They had then made copies of these and transferred them to the chromosome ends where they were acting as a protective buffer.

Dr Helen George, head of science information at Cancer Research UK, said: “Our researchers have discovered a new tactic that could be used by cancer cells to cheat death.

“It raises the possibility that drugs could be developed to restore their natural lifespan and halt the growth and spread of cancers.”

Read more:


Cine zicea ca biserica nu tine pasul cu tehnologia? Sa fie asta inceputul reformarii bisericii? Un gadget ravnit de multi: Toaca electrica!!!! Mai mute informatii aici

joi, 9 septembrie 2010

miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010


The mind that opens to a new idea never comes back to its original size!

marți, 7 septembrie 2010


Get in, get it done, get it done right, and get out!

In direct din Bucuresti

Ce au un comun un Porsche Cayenne "S " si o Dacia Logan? Pe langa faptul ca ambele arata ca un bocanc (da stiu, unul din Obor si unul de fite)? O trasatura care m-a urmarit in trafic si pe care am observat-o la foarte multe Logane. In momentul franarii, luminile de frana scad in intensitate si se aprinde timid semnalizarea dreapta (cel mai frecvent) spate!!! DA DA DA! Asta am observat astazi la un Porsche Cayenne S model nou, masina noua (estimez sub 10.000KM). Loganul este prin urmare intr-o companie selecta! Am ramas totusi cu o dilema - urmeaza Loganul "state of the art" in materie de siguranta rutiera sau nemtii au inceput sa practice spionajul industrial?

duminică, 5 septembrie 2010

Despre carti



La şedinţa de consiliu profesoral în vederea titularizării, prof. Ştefan Procopiu a votat contra numirii lui Moisil, „candidatul fiind prea tânăr" pentru a ocupa postul de profesor. - E un defect de care mă corectez în fiecare zi, a replicat Moisil.

sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2010